Friday, October 14, 2011

Protect Life Act

You know the bill otherwise known as "Let Women Die Act." When I saw Nancy Pelosi on CNN saying that I couldn't help but think how dramatic that sounded.  Despite what the left may say this bill would not leave women to die on the floor in emergency rooms.  The whole point of the bill is not to "let women die" but rather to control how federal funds are spent.

To put a few things straight this bill still contains exemptions for incest, rape and health of the mother.   This bill just makes it so federal funds cannot be used to cover abortion in elective cases.  Like it or not, taxpayers should not have to cover elective medical procedures, especially ones they may find immoral.  I totally back not having federal funding for abortion.

Further more, I think it is great that this bill does not allow federal funds to go towards health care plans that would cover abortions, except in the cases mentioned above.  Also, it allows for physicians to maintain their own personal beliefs on abortion.  A physician should never be forced to perform a procedure they would have ethical and/or moral opposition to.

The bill also states that the insurers must provide the same coverage they would have otherwise, only without the elective abortion coverage.  So it's not like people are going to get ripped off on actual healthcare because of this bill.  If anything, this bill protects people's health and yes women's health without paying for not medically necessary abortions.

As far as pro-life legislation goes this is a bill that I could support.  I think that it is both fiscally and morally responsible, no matter what Nancy Pelosi says.  Obama says that he will veto this bill if it comes across his desk.  Kind of makes you wonder what happened to his promise that Obamacare wouldn't cover elective abortions.  If he doesn't veto it then he goes against his pro-choice stance.  Quite a conundrum he has there I would say.

Thanks to: for writing such a well thought out piece.

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