Thursday, September 29, 2011

Shyness and Introversion: The Same Thing?

I would like to start off with a resounding: No!  Although I consider myself to be both there is a difference. Introversion has to do with how much time you like spending with people.  For example, I have few friends and I like it that way for the most part.  I enjoy time by myself and feel tired after meeting with lots of people.  How can you find out if you are introvert?  One test I found really interesting:  Now if you are anything like me you can't stand large crowds, noisy, crowded places and people that never stop talking!  I think I will stick with my nice, quiet life thank you.
Now about the shyness, that is a whole other issue.  Meeting new people is sometimes stressful.  Not knowing what to say, being easily intimidated, making small talk can all be difficult.  I used to be petrified of public speaking, but now that I have been forced to do it, I have a reasonable level of nervousness that I can handle.  Calling strangers on the phone, not fun, but I have learned that skill as well.  Walking into a room full of strangers or dating are still huge challenges.  I consider it a good day when I can have a short conversation with a cute guy!  Hmm maybe this would explain my lack of dates lol.
Anyway, I guess I was trying to say introversion is something innate whereas shyness is learned and can be overcome.  I am sure that even if I weren't shy I would not be dying to socialize with everyone and anyone.

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